A War – Virus vs Homo Sapiens

Today we are in a state of War. War declared against humanity. War declared against hope. War declared against survival. Covid 19 is the biological weapon used.

A country with 1395 million people or should I say warriors, is not able to cope up from the damages caused by this Covid -19 virus. But how is it even possible to think that with this much of man power, financial strength and impactful government, we are still loosing the game? So many questions popping up but whom to ask? The Government? The billionaires? The developed nations? Whom!

The suffering is just on and on. The common men are loosing their lives. No source of right information on the Covid 19 virus. Still the social media like facebook, insta, whatsapp etc are forwarding myths in the society. Lack of medical centers, beds in the hospitals, availability of the doctors and most importantly the oxygen cylinders are worsening the condition of the impacted ones. The virus is claiming lives after lives without even a blink.

Acche din ayenge! Which good days are we looking forward to, when people are just dying without any treatment. The government is appealing to the common man to help break the chain. Working from home, keeping safe distance, wearing masks and vaccine shots on time are some of the suggested measures. But are these saving the lives? Did the government consider the daily wage labours, vegetable sellers etc, who might survive corona impact but would die of hunger if they do not go out to work? Is it considered that if the employees of TATA POWER or Atomic Power Plant stay home what would happen next? Probably not and so the chain is not breaking.

A daughter has lost a parent, a spouse is dialing on the cell phone number in grief standing far away witnessing the cremation, old parents are still in shock and wishing for a soul exchange phenomena. But alas! all are just in grief, helpless and hopeless. As a nation where are we going?

The government is saying that the concerned facilities are working day and night to improve the supply of oxygen. But what the conditions are reflecting is referring that, the working hours are not sufficient enough to meet the need. In this condition how about thinking of employing more people to make it happen? When India could change the entire monetization pattern without a blink, isn’t it possible to join hands and help the population with medical care? For once, could the leaders or the representatives just behave as a fellow Indian and take the necessary steps to stop this evil? To provide medication don’t you think it is necessary to establish enough testing centers? A city like Jamshedpur has just 1 hospital TMH which has the facility of providing oxygen care. Now it is lacking on the counts of available cynlinders.

With so many questions, if to be thought there could be answers which needs an immediate action. It is time to join hands and raise together as a phoenix and be the young India again. There is a dawn round the corner just that hands are needed to take us to that path.

It is the time to be together morally, work progressively towards winning the war. We have soldiers, enough in numbers we need the right commanders and the plan.

Common man is waiting! They still have hope.. Let the hope persist before the virus could claim more territories.

 -Sayantani Saha

 Sayantani Saha

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